We moved in, and chaos reigned. We couldn’t sell the house, which drained our farm finances away. Yesterday, the house sale fully completed and we’re contemplating the future of the farm once more. It will go ahead, but slightly delayed while we pump the finances up again. Not an entirely bad thing – we’ve been learning a lot in the interim.
First project is going to be a hydroponics system for the industrial unit. We set up a small solar hydroponics system in the front yard when we moved in, and that has worked well. Having observed that the sun strikes those big, reflective windows first thing in the morning, we’ve decided to erect a system there using a more powerful pump and potentially extending the length of the front of the building. Given the hail we’ve had recently, some form of covering also seems prudent. Our tatsoi (above) and similar winter fodder don’t mind the weather, but cosseted early veg are more fussy!