After doing analysis on low carb bread recipes, we created a spreadsheet that allowed us to balance protein, fibre, seeds, yeast, and sugar for raising. This loaf is the outcome. It really does taste and behave like real bread, and does not require outrageously difficult ingredients. We’ve put a video of making one here on the youtubes. If you fancy a downloadable PDF it’s here. Or just read on.

A very, very seedy loaf, and if you didn’t tell anyone it was low carb they would never guess. While fairly ketogenic, it is not low in calories – upwards of 2,400 kcal or 9,000kJ – and you’ll only want a slice or two a day so this is definitely family-sized. If you have a smaller breadmaker, you can reduce the recipe by 2/3. The malt in it will be partially fermented by the yeast, so won’t contribute too much to carbohydrates. Unless, of course, you lick the spoon…
½ Cup Sunflower kernels
½ Cup Pumpkin kernels
½ Cup Linseed (flax seed)
½ Cup Sesame seeds
1½ tsp Salt
1 tsp Instant yeast, heaped
25g Rye flour
135g Wheat gluten
30g Olive oil or butter
40g Oat fibre
2 tsp Malt, heaped
½ tsp Lecithin
1 Beaten egg
170ml Cold water
Put the 4 seeds in a 2l microwaveable container with 100ml of water, add the salt, stir, and microwave on full for 1½-2 minutes to make a seedy porridge. That’s 75g of each by weight, but you can halve that if it’s too seedy for you. Leave it to cool slightly and absorb the liquid. You can leave them to soak for 6 hours instead.
Put the blade in the breadmaker – important – and place the breadmaker tin on scales. Add the heaped spoon of yeast (or use a packet) first so you don’t boil it with the hot porridge. Add the remaining ingredients. Dump 170ml of cold water and warm porridge on top. We use the water to rinse out the egg beating equipment, and you might find you need slightly less water depending on the general humidity.
Set breadmaker to make a medium (850g) wholemeal loaf. Leave it to cool and firm up before cutting or the seeds will tear loose. Slice it fairly thin. If it collapses, use less water next time.
This toasts and so forth much like ordinary rye bread and keeps well.
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